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    德國永恒力(Jungheinrich)1噸中低位自行式電動揀選叉車 EKS 110

    德國永恒力(Jungheinrich)1噸中低位自行式電動揀選叉車 EKS 110






    AC drive system (24 volts) for greater torque and dynamic movement Ergonomic workcentre for outstanding handling Outstanding efficiency: high orderpicking performance levels with low energy consumption Optionally available with walk-on load section (L) or auxiliary lift (Z) Innovative AC Technology Jungheinrich AC motors offer more power while at the same time reducing the running costs over the life cycle of the truck. The benefits include: High levels of efficiency and excellent energy conservation. Powerful acceleration. Quick reversing without having to “think”. No carbon brushes – the traction motor is maintenance-free. Two-year warranty for the traction motor. Smooth Raising and Lowering The platform raises and lowers in a consistent and smooth process thanks to special modulation of the hydraulic pump and the valves. A rubber mat provides additional operating comfort. The advantages include: Tangible relief for the driver. Additional protection for sensitive loads. Minimal wear through reduction in dynamic stress.