- 普通商家
- 意大利Mori L. Raddrizzatori公司
- 經營模式:叉車配件制造商
- 所在地區:歐洲 意大利
The company Mori L. Raddrizzatori s.r.l., created in 1991, moves in a flexible way between technologically advanced research and accuracy of handicraft-tradition. The union between a huge background of generational experience and a continuously updated technical skill led to the creation of a dynamic, young, reliable, receptive to innovation industrial structure. It is specialized in the production of automatic battery-chargers for industrial use. The business, which takes place on an operative surface of 3.500 square metres, is characterized by the vertical organization of the production-process, so that the components are almost completely designed and produced inside the company. That allows an absolute and complete control of the full production-process, as well as a high quality guarantee.
意大利Mori L. Raddrizzatori公司創建于1991年。Mori公司靈活結合先進的研發技術及精準的傳統工藝,穩步前進。憑借多年的經驗及不斷改進的技術,Mori形成了有朝氣、可靠、創新的工業結構,專業生產工業用電池充電機。公司建筑占地3500平方米,生產程序實現縱向組織,確保了零部件在公司內部的設計及生產。同時也保證了對整個生產程序的完全控制,確保了產品的高質量。