Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運公司創建于1972年,由Sumitomo重工業公司(日本知名重型機械制造商)與納科物料搬運集團公司(世界領先叉車制造商)合資,基于建立在兩家頂級公司之上,其事業面向環球開展,特別是日本,亞洲與大洋洲地區。
總裁:Nobuo Kimura
納科物料搬運集團公司 50%
Shinko叉車公司由Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運公司投資創建于2002年,其目的在于為所有Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運產品構建一個杰出、可靠的銷售與售后服務體系。Shinko叉車公司負責Shinko品牌叉車的銷售與服務。公司混合了電機制造商的電子學技術與叉車制造商的機械技術,這使得其能夠開發安全、可靠與易適用的方案。
總裁:Nobuo Kimura
股東:Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運公司
Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co., Ltd. was founded through a joint investment of Sumitomo Heavy lndustries, Ltd. (a Japanese all-round heavy machinery manufacturer) and Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. (a world leading forklift manufacturer.) With a firm foundation of two world ranking companies, the company is globally promoting its business, especially in the Japan. Asia and Oceania regions.
Established May 1, 1972
Capital 1 billion yen Authorized capital: 4 billion yen
Officer President: Nobuo Kimura
Business Manufacture and sales of forklift trucks and logistics machinery and equipment
Number of employees Approximately 670
Shareholders Sumitomo Heavy lndustries, Ltd. 50%
Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. US 50%
Shinko Forklift Co., Ltd. was founded through the investment of Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co.,Ltd. for the purpose of establishing an excellent and reliable system for the sales and after-sales service of all the products of Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling. The Shinko Forklift Co., Ltd. is responsible for the sales and services of the Shinko brand forklifts. The company combines both the electronics technology of an electric machinery manufacturer and the mechanical technology of a forklift manufacturer; this allows the company to develop CR solutions that are safe, secure and easy to use.
Established March 18, 2002
Capital 400 million yen Authorized capital: 1.6 billion yen
Officer President: Nobuo Kimura
Business Sales, lease, repair and service of forklift trucks and logistics machinery and equipment
Number of employees Approximately 30
Shareholder Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co., Ltd.
總裁:Nobuo Kimura
納科物料搬運集團公司 50%
Shinko叉車公司由Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運公司投資創建于2002年,其目的在于為所有Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運產品構建一個杰出、可靠的銷售與售后服務體系。Shinko叉車公司負責Shinko品牌叉車的銷售與服務。公司混合了電機制造商的電子學技術與叉車制造商的機械技術,這使得其能夠開發安全、可靠與易適用的方案。
總裁:Nobuo Kimura
股東:Sumitomo Nacco物料搬運公司
Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co., Ltd. was founded through a joint investment of Sumitomo Heavy lndustries, Ltd. (a Japanese all-round heavy machinery manufacturer) and Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. (a world leading forklift manufacturer.) With a firm foundation of two world ranking companies, the company is globally promoting its business, especially in the Japan. Asia and Oceania regions.
Established May 1, 1972
Capital 1 billion yen Authorized capital: 4 billion yen
Officer President: Nobuo Kimura
Business Manufacture and sales of forklift trucks and logistics machinery and equipment
Number of employees Approximately 670
Shareholders Sumitomo Heavy lndustries, Ltd. 50%
Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. US 50%
Shinko Forklift Co., Ltd. was founded through the investment of Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co.,Ltd. for the purpose of establishing an excellent and reliable system for the sales and after-sales service of all the products of Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling. The Shinko Forklift Co., Ltd. is responsible for the sales and services of the Shinko brand forklifts. The company combines both the electronics technology of an electric machinery manufacturer and the mechanical technology of a forklift manufacturer; this allows the company to develop CR solutions that are safe, secure and easy to use.
Established March 18, 2002
Capital 400 million yen Authorized capital: 1.6 billion yen
Officer President: Nobuo Kimura
Business Sales, lease, repair and service of forklift trucks and logistics machinery and equipment
Number of employees Approximately 30
Shareholder Sumitomo Nacco Materials Handling Co., Ltd.
主要經營: | 主營行業: | ||
企業類型: | 企業單位 | 經營模式: | 叉車及物流搬運設備制造商 |
成立時間: | 經營地址: | 東京都大田區平和島3-2-18 | |
員工人數: | 注冊資本: |